project: Trixy Aviation
  [photo production]

photo archive no: HS3-1201-419
recording date: 13-Jan-2012

5:21 p.m. (LT)

location: Mannheim City Airport, Germany
coordinates: N 49°28’31” - E 8°31’08
aircraft class: gyrocopter
aircraft type: Trixy

G 4-2 R

manufacturer: Trixy Aviation, Austria
serial no: 002-12
call sign: D-MDGS
photographer: Helmut Stern (AUT)
copyright by: © stern-press 2012

Gracile High Tech for a German Flight School.

January 13, 2012. Delivery day to the gyrocopter flight school operated by Mona Hoerig. The City Airport Mannheim is now the new base of TRIXY G 4-2 R with Serial No. 2, just one day after the type certificate was issued to Trixy Aviation by the German authorities.